It's important to study the exploitation to northwest of Liaoning in Liao dynasty and to discuss the advancement of agricultural and pastoral economy in these areas in history. 研究辽代对辽西北的开发,对揭示这个地区历史上农牧经济的发展是很有意义的。
The allocation of Qidan Guiming people was affected not only by the relationship between Northern Song dynasty and Liao dynasty then, but also by the family background of them. 北宋对契丹归明人的安置措施既受到归明人出身背景的影响,也受到北宋与辽国关系的影响。
In936, the Later Jin Dynasty of northern China ceded a large part of its northern frontier, including modern Beijing, to the Khitan Liao Dynasty. 公元936年,位于中国北部的金放弃了北方的大片土地(包括现在的北京)于辽。
All my apprehensions were buried. A Discussion on the Mentality of Resisting Liao Dynasty of Song People; 我的全部畏惧心理都被埋没起来。
Liulichang Street, the earliest culture is a poor suburb Liao Dynasty Pi village. 琉璃厂文化街最早是辽代城郊的一个穷僻小村。
Liao Dynasty and Jill are in OUr country history two important dynasty. 辽朝和金朝是我国历史上两个重要的朝代。
The "stone house" is situated at the platform site halfway up the mountain in the former city of zuzhou, which was once the temple of emperor Taizu of the Liao dynasty. “石房子”位于原祖州城内的山腰台址上,是辽太祖天皇帝庙。
The official education in Xijing area of Liao dynasty developed fast because of the policy to "respect Confucius and Confucianism". 在“尊孔崇儒”文教政策的影响下,辽朝西京地区官学教育取得了较大发展。
The Changes of the Lakes in the Flood Plain of West Liao River in Liao Dynasty 辽代西辽河冲积平原及邻近地区的湖泊
In the rock column on the man-built brick tower, according to legend is the Liao Dynasty Muta, have elapsed since the years of history, is the Chengde oldest buildings. 在岩柱上有人工建造的砖塔,相传是辽代墓塔,距今已有千年历史,是承德地区现存最古老的建筑。
Generally speaking, Da Yuyue was an honor position in the Liao dynasty, which was equal to Sangong in traditional feudal official system. 一般认为,大于越是辽代的尊官,就像封建传统职官制度中的三公。
Liao Dynasty Sculptures of the Lower Huayan Temple at Datong 大同下华严寺辽代塑像
Therefore, Shuang Tashan top of the "small temple"( pagoda) age of the building should be before the Liao Dynasty. 故双塔山顶上“小庙”(砖塔)的建设年代应在辽代以前。
The rise and development of the Kitai literature in Liao Dynasty was a kind of conspicuous phenomenon in Chinese cultural history. 契丹文文学在辽代的崛起与发展,是中华民族文化史上一个十分引人注目的文学现象。
The Liao Dynasty Nabo institution is a political institution with distinctive national features and region characteristic in the history of china, which originates from the nomadic life of Qidan nationality. 摘要辽代的捺钵制度是中国历史上颇富民族特色和地域特色的一项政治制度,它起源于契丹人的游猎生活。
The poetic ideas of Liao Dynasty stressed the political and educational functions. 辽代诗学思想更重视的是诗的政教功能。
The territory of cultural relics are well-known Yingxian Wooden Tower, built in the Liao Dynasty, 67 meters high, is the oldest wooden structure of the tower construction. 境内文物古迹有著名的应县木塔,建于辽代,高67米,是国内最古老的木结构塔式建筑。
Journey to Liaoning, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and to Shanxi, this time on the search for the Liao Dynasty. 去辽宁的蒙古自治州和山西的途中,寻访辽王朝的遗址。
Anti-slaughtering Leaders: Reinterpretation of Relive Ceremony of Liao Dynasty 反屠王:对辽代再生仪的重新解读
In938, the Liao Dynasty set up a secondary capital in what is now Beijing, and called it Nanjing ( the "Southern Capital"). 公元938年,辽在北京的位置建立了第二个首都,叫“南京”(意为南部首都)。
First, Korea and Liao Dynasty founded nations and the processes of development. 第一,高丽和辽国的建国和发展过程。
This discovery provides new information for the study of history and culture of the Liao Dynasty. 该窖藏的发现,为研究辽代历史文化提供了重要资料。
The first chapter has elaborated the background of Liao Dynasty attacked Bohai regime and Bohai perished. 第一章阐述了辽发动对渤海国战争的背景及渤海国的灭亡。
The Liao Dynasty had important contribution to pond salt and sea salt production of northern China in ancient time. 辽代对于我国古代北方池盐产地和海盐产地的开发有过重要贡献。
The Cultural Style and Features of Liao Dynasty and Its Literary Relationship 辽代的文化风貌和文学关系
In 1994, two Liao dynasty tombs was found in Jianping, Chaoyang. 1994年初,在辽宁省朝阳市建平县发现两座辽代壁画墓。
The first part explains the common states and the characteristics of the Buddhism in Liao dynasty and Yuan dynasty. 第一章从总体上论述了辽代,元代的佛教状况以及表现出来的特点和问题。
Part A: The relationship between Liao Dynasty and Dingnan Army. 其一,辽朝与定难军的关系。
Although Liao Dynasty rised the north areas, it was a traditional sea-land type empire. 辽朝虽然崛起北方,但却是一个中国传统的海陆型帝国。
Liao Dynasty is not a simple inland country. 崛起北方草原地带的辽朝并不是一个单纯的内陆型国家,同时还是一个濒海帝国。